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If you espouse any religious belief, you have probably been told at least once in your life, “Keep your religion out of politics.” Having held public office as a state representative in the New Hampshire legislature, I heard it countless times, especially because I was outspoken about my faith. But it’s a disingenuous thing to say to someone of faith, or to anyone for that matter. The truth is that every law, every policy, every opinion, and every rule stated and brought forward is entirely based on some form of religious beliefs. I like to use the term “worldview,” which...

The question is arising once again as to whether or not we are a Christian nation. I certainly can’t put this debate to rest in one written piece, even though I wish I could. I believe the United States is a Christian nation, though far too many are bent on proving the opposite belief to be true; they refuse to acknowledge the facts and history surrounding this question. Therefore, I will aim to help settle the debate by providing some compelling information. This topic is quite detailed, so I won’t address every single point that has been brought up by…

The Constitution is an important document which recognizes our natural rights as human beings. Today, our culture is completely lacking any understanding of the principles within the Constitution and why it exists.